
Showing posts from March, 2023

You Are More...

You are more than your failures, more than your lacking,  You are more than their expectations,  more than their backing. You are more than what they tell you,  more than what you think. You are more than what they let you, You are more than on the brink. You are more than what you have, More than what you've been. You are more than just mediocrity,  More than in between. You are more than your fears,  More than your doubts.  You are more than your dreads, More than anxious bouts. You are more than their perception, More than their judging.  You are more than their reaction, More than their nudging. You are more than you are valued, More worthy than said.  You are more than your impressions, More precious than acknowledged. You are more than you realise,  And much more than they do. You are what no one else is,  And nobody can be you!                             ~Neha Dashora