
Showing posts from May, 2020

The Hare & The Tortoise : A Story Retold

The hare & the tortoise were best of friends, The hare & the tortoise used to play games. One fine morning it all went wrong, As if there was a pause into a lovely song. "I'm the better", the two argued, Their friendship was gone, they went rude. Hare declared- " We'll have a race,  between us two, That'll decide who's better, me or you." Tortoise agreed, but was full of doubt, After all, speed is what a race is all about. The day finally came and the race begun, Two were running to be number one. Hare was on with his usual pace, Tortoise was sure to lose the race. Hare saw the big bog at front, He tried to stop but Oh!!!  he couldn't. And Lo! there was the collision,  Hare was in a critical condition. Tortoise, who was passing by, Saw the Hare &  exclaimed- "Oh My My!!!" " Get up my friend, get up my dear, What on earth are you doing here??? Your victory does really mean, I'd be happier if y


स्वर मंद पड़ें जब क्रुद्ध भीड़ में, शब्दों को तब आज़मा लेना। मन क्रंद करे जो निपट विजन में, शब्दों से गीत बना लेना। शब्द ब्रह्म है, शब्द शक्ति है, शब्द की महिमा गा लेना। शब्द सत्य है, शब्द मुक्ति है, शब्द में चित्त लगा लेना। जब-जब शब्द करें हलचल, हलचल पर ध्यान लगा लेना। शब्द भाव का मेल कराकर, सुन्दर छंद बना लेना। शब्दों की नैया को खेकर, जीवन पार लगा लेना। शब्दों की आंधी लाकर, सोते लोग जगा देना। दग्ध ह्रदय को राहत देने, शब्द चांदनी छिटका देना। सुर न सधे तो मन ही मन में, शब्द रागिनी गा लेना।                               ~ नेहा दशोरा