
I read people, I heed people 

And I know, I need people

Keeper people, ditch people, 

always stuck, sandwich people.

Sure people, unsure people 

Secure & insecure people.

Bad people, sad people,

Always fearing, afraid people.

Running people, stunning people, 

Oh! so smart, or cunning people.

Chum people, dumb people,

Old people & young people.

Sun people, cloud people,

Always in a little doubt people.

Far people, near people, 

Always smile or tear people.

Pity people, witty people, 

Beauty people, duty people.

So people, such people,

Too less & too much people

Sugar people, bitter people, 

Ever staying or quitter people

Obedient people, excellent people,

Always trying to vent people.

Work people, lurk people, 

Atonishing and jerk people.

Fun people, growl people,

World is a place to all people.

 - Neha Dashora 


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